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What is SOC? Understanding Its Role in Security

What is SOC? Understanding Its Role in Security

Do you know What is a SOC (security operations center)? Here, we are going to explain the roles and responsibilities in security. The function of the security operations center (SOC) is to monitor, prevent, detect, investigate, and respond to cyber threats around the clock. A SOC acts like the hub or central command at that post, taking in telemetry from across an organization’s IT infrastructure, which includes its networks, devices, appliances, and information stores, wherever those assets reside. The proliferation of advanced threats places a premium on collecting context from diverse sources.

what is SOC

What does SOC mean?

SOCs are an integral part of minimizing the costs of a potential data breach, as they not only help the organizations that respond to intrusions quickly but also constantly improve the detection and prevention service processes.

Different Roles of SOC

Maintaining security monitoring tools

To effectively secure and monitor a system, there are many tools that the team must maintain and update regularly. Without a proper tool, it is impossible to effectively secure the systems and networks as well.

Security analyst

The security analysts are typically the first responders to the incidents. They are the soldiers on the front lines who are fighting against cyberattacks and analyzing the threats.

Security Engineer

The security engineers are responsible for maintaining the tools, recommending new tools, and updating the systems. Many security engineers specialize in SIEM platforms. The security engineers are responsible for building the security architecture and the systems. It also has a SOC report.

Security Manager

A security manager within a SOC team is responsible for overseeing the operations as a whole. They are in charge of managing team members and coordinating with the security engineers.

Chief Information Officer

The chief information security officer (CISO) is responsible for defining and outlining the organization’s security operations. They are the final word on the strategies, policies, and procedures involved in all aspects of cyber security within the organization.

Principles of SOC

The main principles of SOC are:


  1. It is the most critical and, therefore, mandatory part of the criteria for every audit and is referred to as the common SOC 2 trust service criteria. It includes the security of information during its entire life cycle, from creation, use, processing, and transmission to storage.

Some examples of security controls are

  • Access Controls
  • Intrusion Detection Systems
  • Anti-virus/malware
  • Firewalls


This TSC checks if you protect Personally Identifiable Information (PII) from breaches and unauthorized access. It does so by implementing rigorous access controls, two-factor authentication, and encryption.


To make sure that your systems adhere to operational uptime and performance standards, the controls in the availability criterion are literally concentrated on these two areas. Network performance monitoring and disaster recovery procedures are among the controls included here.


Confidentiality helps showcase how you can safeguard confidential information throughout its lifecycle and the processes that are available in the data. The TSC encourages organizations to protect confidential information such as intellectual property, financial data, and other business-sensitive details specific to their contractual commitments with their customers.

 Processing integrity

This principle is evaluated to determine if your cloud data is processed accurately, reliably, and on time. It also reviews if your systems can achieve their purposes.

Some examples of security controls are:

  • Process Monitoring
  • Quality Assurance

What are the five major steps for developing a SOC?

The five major steps that are involved in developing a SOC are:

Planning the SOC

  1. SOC mission statement 
  2. SOC strategic goals
  3. SOC scope 
  4. SOC model of operation 
  5. SOC services
  6. SOC capabilities 
  7. SOC key performance indicators

Designing and Building the SOC:

  1. a content filter that is aware of malicious web sources.
  2. IPS to detect attacks 
  3. The Breach – detection technology looking for unknown threats missed by the IPS. 
  4. A tool that baselines the network and then monitors it for unusual data trends. 

Operating the SOC

  • First, it is important to validate that the SOC still has executive sponsorship. In many cases, there is a large gap of time between the initial sign-off from the leadership to build a SOC and the point when the SOC is actually ready to operate.
  • The processes will be challenging since some will be new and need to be tested.
  • The technology needs to be checked to ensure that everything is functioning properly.
  • The training may be needed for team members who are responsible for using and maintaining the solutions.

Reviewing the SOC: Determine the review’s scope

  • This can include all the aspects of the SOC as part of a comprehensive review, but it is often more helpful to limit the scopes that focus on particular areas.

Determine the participants

You need to understand who will perform and participate in the review. The specific participants may depend on the scope of the review.

Establish a clear methodology

  • You may need a clear methodology to guide any review, along with some expected and integrated outcomes and deliverables that are based on pre-determined templates.

Determine the frequency

  • It decided how frequently to perform such reviews. Certain types of reviews may or should occur more and more often. For example, performing frequent post-incident reviews within the first 72 hours of an incident is recommended so that the individuals involved don’t forget the specific events associated with the incident.

Prioritize results and action items

  • Any of the areas for improvement are related to the action items that need to be prioritized, executed, and followed up to ensure that necessary changes are completed.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Which trust principle is not covered under SOC2?

According to SOC2, all five trust principles, i.e., security, availability, confidentiality, processing integrity, and privacy, are covered. Hence, there is no trust in the principle that is not covered under SOC2. 

What are SOC2 Type 2 trust criteria?

The SOC2 Type 2 criteria are security, availability, confidentiality, processing integrity, and privacy. These criteria are often defined by the AICPA for evaluating an organization’s security for compliance with SOC2.

What is SOC?

The Security Operation Center (SOC) is a centralized function within an organization that employs people, processes, and technology to continuously monitor and improve an organization’s security postures while preventing, detecting, analyzing, and responding to cybersecurity incidents.

What are SOC reports?

A System and the Organizations Controls (SOC) The SOC report is a verifiable audit performed by a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) designated by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA).

Why is SOC used?

SOC gives the receiver of messages the ability to detect and replay recorded messages, check the authenticity of the sender, and evaluate the integrity of the transmitted data. For this purpose, the receivers checks what is known as the Messages Authentications Code (MAC), etc.

Where is SOC used?

This makes the SoC computers a very popular and amazing choice, and often the only choice, for use in their systems: the aircraft avionics systems, automobile communications, navigation, and entertainment panels. Automotive on-board diagnostics (OBD-II) scanners

What is an SOC analyst?

A SOC analyst is a cybersecurity specialist who actually monitors an organization’s IT infrastructure for threats. They are often the first responders in the battle against those threats.

Becoming a Cybersecurity Analyst in 2023: a Step-By-Step Guide

Becoming a Cybersecurity Analyst in 2023: a Step-By-Step Guide


In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, the demand for cybersecurity professionals has never been higher. As technology continues to advance, so do the threats that exploit vulnerabilities in our digital infrastructure. Here, cybersecurity experts come into the game. Cybersecurity analysts play a crucial role in safeguarding companies and individuals from cyberattacks. Whether you’re interested in pursuing a career in cybersecurity in 2023 or just want to grab information, this article will help guide you through all the important information needed to become a cybersecurity analyst in 2023

Who Are Cyber Security Analysts?

Cyber Security Analysts, also known as Information Security Analysts or Threat Intel Analysts, are experts in cyber security who monitor computer databases, networks, computer infrastructure, etc., of a company or organization and ensure that they are safe from external threats and malicious software.

These professionals identify and fix various flaws in the system, programs, networks, applications, and more to keep them secure. They keep the organization’s system updated and are liable to take necessary measures for the overall security of the firm.

What Do Cyber Security Analysts Do?

A cybersecurity analyst is active in the company’s cybersecurity efforts. They test and protect company data from threats and malicious attacks.

  • These individuals ensure that the hardware and software the firm uses are only accessible to credible and proper people.
  • writing the company’s policies, doing penetration testing, and other related tasks.
  • monitoring the company’s network’s traffic and finding threats in real-time.
  • Analyze and patch any loopholes in the company’s network.
  • Enhance the company’s security by developing encryption protocols and installing firewalls.
  • They prepare a security report for the firm they are working for and suggest safety measures to avoid security issues.
  • They manage all the software installation of the systems in an organization and keep an eye on any malicious software or activity that potentially harms the organization.


How to Become a Cybersecurity Analyst?

Start with Basics

Build a solid foundation to excel in your cyber analyst journey. We recommend having a strong foundation in the basics. Start with learning languages such as computer networks, operating systems, and programming languages like Python, etc. Expose yourself to common cyber threats, malware types, and attack vectors. Naukri cyber online courses, books, and tutorials can help you get started.

Pursue Relevant Education

A formal degree is not necessary in cyber security, but it surely helps. It can significantly enhance your credibility and prospects. You can get a bachelor’s degree in computer science, information technology, or a related field. Also, you can go for specialized cybersecurity programs from credible sources such as Naukri Cyber and certifications, which are highly regarded in the industry. Some popular certifications include Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH), Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP), and CompTIA Security+.

Develop Technical Skills

Cybersecurity analysts must possess a solid technical skill set. Develop your expertise in the following areas:

  • Network Security: Learn how to secure networks, detect intrusions, and prevent data breaches.
  • Operating Systems: Gain proficiency in various operating systems, including Windows, Linux, and macOS.
  • Penetration Testing: Understand how ethical hackers identify vulnerabilities and test systems for weaknesses.
  • Security Tools: Become familiar with popular cybersecurity tools, such as Wireshark, Nmap, and Snort.
  • Coding and Scripting: Learn programming languages like Python and scripting for automating security tasks.
  • Incident Response: Develop skills in responding to security incidents and mitigating threats.

Stay updated and Practice

The cybersecurity landscape is constantly evolving. To stay up-to-date,

  1. Follow industry news, blogs, and podcasts.
  2. Participate in competitions that are held continuously. They are excellent for sharpening your skills and learning about real-world scenarios.
  3. Set up a home lab to experiment and practice what you’ve learned in a safe environment.

Gain Practical Experience

Practical experience is valuable in every field, and cybersecurity is no exception. Search for internships or fresher-level positions in IT departments, as they can provide real-world experience and give you confidence in your skills and abilities.

Build a Professional Network

Networking is essential in any career, and cybersecurity is no exception. Attend cybersecurity conferences, join professional organizations like ISC² or ISACA, and engage with professionals on platforms like LinkedIn. Networking can open doors to job opportunities and provide you with valuable insights and knowledge sharing.

Create a Professional Portfolio

When you’re in the starting phase of your cybersecurity career, add your projects to your portfolio as a sample to show recruiters while applying for jobs. As you get projects, start adding them. Add your work experience and testimonials to make your portfolio more credible. Also, mention your USP, problem-solving skills, and tools you used in each project. This helps recruiters understand you better.

Secure Relevant Certifications

As you progress in your career, aim to earn relevant certifications that align with your specialization. These certifications can help you stand out and advance your cybersecurity analyst career.

Be Ethical and Responsible

Ethical conduct is a cornerstone of a successful career in cybersecurity. Understand the importance of protecting digital assets and data responsibly, and adhere to ethical guidelines. The industry depends on individuals who are committed to ethical practices.

Never Stop Learning

Cybersecurity is a dynamic field, and learning never stops. Continue to educate yourself, take on new challenges, and adapt to emerging threats and technologies. Regularly update your certifications and stay informed about industry trends.


Cybersecurity Analyst Salary

As per the latest data, the salary of cybersecurity analysts in the US ranges between:

  • Entry-Level: $60,000 to $75,000 per year
  • Mid-Level: $80,000 to $100,000 per year
  • Senior-Level: $10,000 to $160,000 per year


A career as a cyber security analyst is very lucrative and promises a handsome salary to the pursuer. However, salary depends on qualifications, skills, location, industry, etc. As per the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average salary is approximately $99,730. Top earners earn more than $158,870 a year.



Cybersecurity analyst is an exciting and rewarding career, but it requires dedication and continuous learning. By following the above steps, you can build a strong foundation, gain practical experience, position yourself as a successful cybersecurity analyst, and have a fulfilling career in this field. The world’s digital infrastructure depends on dedicated professionals to protect it from evolving cyber threats. You can be the next cybersecurity expert.

analyst and serve the industry with your talent and skills. Don’t wait; a gratifying career is waiting for you.